List of useful numbers

When you are abroad, it is always useful to have a list of phone numbers. You never know what can happen and in those moments you will miss them very much. Therefore, schedule them or save this post among the favorites of your mobile browser. You can also call by clicking on the numbers.

Emergencies in general – 112
This is the first number that you should take into account in any emergency, especially if you find yourself in a situation of personal or collective risk.

Police – 091
Another important number.

Civil Guard – 062
The Civil Guard guarantees the protection of
citizens against crimes, ensures the
compliance with laws, defends the free exercise of rights and freedoms and preserves citizen security.

Firefighters – 080 or 085

Medical Emergencies – 061

Telephone Gender Violence – 016900 116 016
It is an information and legal advice service on gender-based violence, although it also serves people with hearing or speech disabilities.

Information for women – 900191010
It is a free phone from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Monday through Friday, except national holidays.

Citizen service telephone number – 060
This number is the access point to the Spanish Administration for citizens
and companies.

Civil Protection – 1006
Civil Protection is a service aimed at preventing situations of serious collective risk or catastrophes, protecting people and property when such situations occur, as well as contributing to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the affected areas.

Local information: 010 (available in almost all cities)
National information: 11818
International information: 11825
Yellow Pages: 11888
National operator: 1009
European operator: 1008
International operator: 1005

If you need to cancel your credit card after a theft, loss or some other situation.
Visa Spain: 915 192 100
International Visa: 900 991 216
American Express: 902 375 637
4B: 902 114 400
Eurocard-Mastercard: 915 192 100
Dinner’s club: 902 401 112
System 6000: 913 553 000/915 965 335

Phone numbers of mobile phone companies
From mobile: 609 | From landline: 1485 | From abroad: +34 634 609 100 609
From mobile: 1414 | From landline: 656 001 470 | From abroad: +34 656 001
From mobile: 123 | From landline: 622 622 622 | From abroad: +34 607 123
From mobile: 622 | From landline: 622 622 622 | From abroad: +34 622 622